Monday, 1 December 2014

December 3 Ukulele Jam - It's Christmas, Man!

Happy Holidays, everyone!
As the snow begins to fall, we know it's time once again for Christmas music. And so the theme of the December 3rd jam is, well, you know what! There are two reasons for doing the Christmas theme early in the month: First, this month is a busy time for everyone, and many people will probably be too busy to attend the December 17th jam. Second, this gives us a chance to practice in advance of our Christmas performance schedule.

Yes, that's right. We have a couple of Christmas-time gigs, both on Saturday, December 13. The first is at 10:00am at the Conservatory Pond retirement home, and the second is 2:00pm at the Fairmount nursing home. At the last jam, there were about eight of us who expressed interest in participating. But of course, the more the merrier. If anyone else wants to join in, just let me know. Between the two events, we'll probably meet somewhere in the middle for lunch.

In preparation for this week's jam, 7:00pm on Wednesday, December 3, I've prepared some songs appropriate to the season, downloadable here. I'll probably prepare a few more songs for Wednesday. And if there are songs you like that aren't in that list, please feel free to bring them along.

One more thing: I still have the $50 gift certificate from KingstonFest. I'll bring it on Wednesday, and give it away at random to one of the participants in that event.

We jam in the Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans

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