Saturday, 17 May 2014

May 21 Ukulele Jam at the Royal


It's now the middle of May, and I'm sure all of you are putting your Victoria Day weekend to good use, practicing your ukulele on your deck or patio, perhaps with other musicians.

But now our next ukulele jam is coming up quickly, on Wednesday May 21, just two days following Victoria Day. As usual, we'll begin at 7:00pm with a workshop, where we'll explore a variation on a strum pattern we've seen before, applying it to a couple of songs in a couple of different keys.

For the open jam starting at 8:00pm, you'll have your chance to show your stuff or lead the group in your favorite songs. If you want to lead, please bring copies of your songs for the rest of us. Or just sit back and strum along with the rest of the group. I'll bring half a dozen songs, some of which we've done before. You can download them here as one PDF, or individually:

The last three are 3-chord songs, the last being appropriate to the time of year.

As usual, we jam in the Ro
yal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans

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