Saturday, 28 July 2012

August 15 Ukulele Jam in City Park


The third and last scheduled ukulele jam in City Park for this summer is coming up on Wednesday, August 15, at 6:30pm. For the approximate location within the park, check out the map at this link: We'll find the closest available picnic tables to that location.

In the unlikely event of rain, since this is the last jam for the summer, the event may be rescheduled. So far this summer, one jam was cut short by rain and the other had beautiful weather.

Bring your favorite songs, and your own refreshments.

So far, I have the following songs arranged:
If these songs look too challenging, we'll have some easier songs as well. But you can always bring your own favorites.

One more thing: As the Fall approaches, it's time to think about how we want to proceed with our jams. Monday evenings are not working well, so I want to go back to Wednesdays. This would likely mean moving away from the RCHA. The RCHA is very supportive of music. However, parking is not convenient. And Monday is pretty much the only evening available to us. I'm open to any ideas on where to meet and how to organize the jams in the future.

Cheers! Hans

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