Tuesday, 16 January 2018

January 17 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, ukulele fans!

It's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, January 17, 7pm in the basement of the Collins Bay Legion. Bring your favorite songs to share with the group. Or if you like, you can sit back and strum/sing along. There are about 10 of us who have edit access to the "Kingston Ukulele Society" folder on Dropbox. There, you can find the songs that I'll bring. This folder is available to any of you who want to share songs with the group. If you want access, send an email to hans@kingstonukes.com.

As a result of discussion on our mailing list, I'm proposing to change the schedule of this jam. Starting in March, let's jam on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. So the next jams after this will be February 7 and 21, then March 14 and 28. 

Also don't forget: There's a weekly ukulele jam happening at the Gananoque Public Library, every Wednesday at 1pm. They are quite enthusiastic. And although most are beginners, they have even started doing concerts at a local retirement home.

Remember, we jam at the Collins Bay Legion, 4034 Bath Road, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here. There's no cost to the jam, but do show your appreciation to our hosts by visiting the bar, or at least dropping a buck or two in the tip jar.

Cheers! Hans