Monday, 19 December 2016

December 21 Ukulele Jam

Happy Holidays, everyone!

I know everyone's busy getting ready for the holidays. But it's ukulele time again! You need to take a break and join your fellow ukulele fans in our regular jam, this Wednesday, December 21. This time, of course, we'll do our seasonal favorites. You can find a copy of our favorite Christmas songs here. But if you have other favorites, bring them along!

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 5 December 2016

December 7 Ukulele Jam


If you looked outside this morning, you probably saw some white substance covering the ground. Yes, winter is coming. And with it comes the holiday season. At our next ukulele jam this Wednesday, December 7, you can share your favorite seasonal songs with the group. Or not. I'll bring a selection of my own favorites which may, or may not, include songs with a winter theme. I'll leave the choice of songs up to you.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 14 November 2016

November 16 Ukulele Jam


If you're feeling bummed out after recent events, I don't blame you. You now need to unwind with your friends and play ukulele. It's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, November 16, 7pm. Bring copies of your favorite songs if you wish. But feel free to sit back and strum along if that's what you want to do.

As I mentioned before, if you're interested in doing a Christmas show at a local nursing home, please let me know. We had a lot of fun the past two years, and I'm sure many of you would like to do that again.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

November 2 Ukulele Jam


It's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, November 2, 7pm. If you like, bring copies of your favorite songs to share with the rest of the group.

Considering the time of year, there's something we should start to think about. For the past two years, we've done a Christmas concert at a local nursing home. Last year, we had a dozen ukulele players entertaining the residents of the Fairmount Home. Would you be interested in doing that again this year? The success of such events depends on participation, so if you enjoyed doing this last time, please consider joining in again this year.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

October 19 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, ukulele players of Kingston!

It's ukulele jam time again! We're strumming again this Wednesday, October 19, 7pm at the Kingston Community House. Bring your uke and your voice as we again play our favorite songs, old and new. If you like, bring copies of your song choices.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 3 October 2016

October 5 Ukulele Jam - 1st Jam of our Seventh Year!

Greetings, ukulele fans!

The ukulele jam this Wednesday, October 5, is the first jam of our seventh year! It's hard to believe we've been going this long. But we're still jamming! This Wednesday, think of your favorite songs that we've done over the years. We'll do our favorites, either from our favorites list, or others that we've done. But if you just want to sit back and strum along, that's okay too. The goal is fun through song and ukulele!

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 19 September 2016

September 21 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, Kingston ukulele fans!

Six years ago, on September 29, 2010, nine ukulele players met at the Kingston School of Music for a jam. This was the first official meeting of the Kingston Ukulele Society, and we've been jamming regularly ever since!

Our next jam is this Wednesday, September 21. Bring copies of your favorite songs if you like. But if you just want to sit back and strum along, that's okay too. The goal is fun through song and ukulele!

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 5 September 2016

September 7 Ukulele Jam


September. It's still Summer, but the kids are back to school. It's time to get your ukulele down off the wall, dust it off, and join in the fun at our twice monthly ukulele jam. The next jam is this Wednesday, September 7, 7pm at the Kingston Community House. Bring along copies of your favorite songs if you like. I'll bring a few of my own favorites, which you can download here. Or if you just want to sit back and strum along, that's okay too.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 15 August 2016

August 17 Jam

Greetings, ukulele fans!

It's uke jam time again! This Wednesday, August 17, 7pm at the Kingston Community House. Bring your ukulele, your songs, and your energy to our regular twice-monthly jam. You'll have your chance to show off your songs, or lead the group in song. Or just sit back and strum along. 

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Friday, 29 July 2016

August 3 Jam


I hope you're enjoying your Summer! It's time again for ukulele jam, this Wednesday, August 3, 7pm at the usual place, the Kingston Community House. If you like, bring copies of your favorite songs to share with the group. You can find my selection of songs here.  Or if you like, you can just sit back and strum along.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

July 20 Ukulele Jam


It's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, July 20, where you'll have your chance to jam with the usual gang of misfits and mavericks. Bring your ukulele. And if you want, bring copies of your favorite songs to share with the others.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 4 July 2016

July 6 Ukulele Jam


We had a great time jamming at City Park on the 22nd. Thanks to Chuck for this photo! We'll do a few more park jams this summer, with the next jam possibly at Skeleton Park. But this week it's time for our regularly scheduled jam at the Kingston Community House, this Wednesday July 6, at 7pm. If you like, bring copies of your favorite songs to share with the group. Or just sit back and strum along.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

City Park Uke Jam, Wednesday, June 22


It's now officially Summer, and time again for a park jam! Join us this Wednesday, June 22, 6:30pm at City Park for a ukulele jam. Come with your uke, lawn chair, snacks, and drinks to City Park. We'll find a picnic table in the south end of the park, say, between the splash pad and the roadway. See the map below for the approximate location. Bring copies of your favorite songs, and we'll jam until dark.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 13 June 2016

June 15 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, Kingston ukulele fans!

It's time again for ukulele jam, this Wednesday, June 15, 7pm at the Kingston Community house. Usual routine: You can lead the group in your favorite songs, or you can solo that piece you're working on. Or you can just sit back and strum along with the others. I'll bring an assortment of different songs. Remember, cost is now $1 per jam.

Next week, on June 22, we'll try for a jam in City Park. Details to follow next week.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

June 1 Ukulele Jam

Ukulele time again!

Come to our ukulele jam! This Wednesday, June 1, 7pm at the Kingston Community House. We'll share our songs while playing our favorite four-stringed instrument. 
If you'd like, bring copies of your favorite songs. I'll bring a few songs too. Or if you just want to sit back and strum along, that's okay too.

Now that the weather is warming up, it's time to think about jamming in the park. I propose June 22 as our first park jam for this season, in City Park. Later, we'll add dates for July and August.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $1 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 16 May 2016

May 18 Ukulele Jam


The weather is getting warmer. But some like it hot. Do you want to join us for ukulele jam? Then come on down to 99 York Street this Wednesday, May 18, 7pm. Don't bother to knock, just come on in! Just a few blocks from the bus stop. No monkey business, you're as young as you feel when you're playing your ukulele with the misfits in these dangerous years.

If you'd like, bring copies of your favorite songs. I'll bring a few songs too. Or if you just want to sit back and strum along, that's okay too.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

May 4 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, ukulele fans!

It's that time again! Time to get out your ukulele and join us for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, May 4. As usual, I'll bring an assortment of songs. If you want, you can bring your own favorite songs to solo in front of the group, or lead the group. Or if you like, you can sit back and just strum and sing along. 

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 18 April 2016

April 20 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, ukulele players!

Well, we had a great time two weeks ago, with the Ralph Shaw workshop and concert! Those who missed it missed out on a really fun time. But now it's back to our regular schedule of jams at the Kingston Community House, with a jam this Wednesday, April 20, 7pm.

As usual, I'll bring an assortment of songs, new, old, and even older, which you can download in advance from here. If you want, you can bring your own favorite songs to solo in front of the group, or lead the group. Or if you like, you can sit back and just strum and sing along.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 4 April 2016

Ralph Shaw ukulele workshop and concert


Don't forget this Wednesday. Instead of our regularly scheduled uke jam, we have a special event, a ukulele workshop and concert led by Ralph Shaw.

This is an opportunity that you can't miss! Ralph is a great teacher and entertainer. The evening should be a lot of fun for everyone. Workshops like this are a great way to learn ukulele and improve your skills.

The workshop starts at 6:30. Invite your family and friends to join you for the concert at 8:30. The event happens at Unitarian Place, 206 Concession Street in Kingston. Park at the rear and enter via the side door. The main hall is at the top of the stairs. Cost is $30 for workshop and concert, $15 for concert only, cash at the door.

The event is sponsored by Renaissance Music, the best place in Kingston to shop for ukuleles.

I hope to see all of you there!

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 14 March 2016

March 16 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, Kingston ukulele fans!

It's time for ukulele jam again this week, Wednesday, March 16. You'll have your chance to lead the group with your favorite songs. Or if you'd prefer, you can just strum along. I'll bring a few songs too. If you'd like to lead, bring a few extra copies of your songs for the others.

Don't forget the Ralph Shaw workshop and concert on April 6. The workshop starts at 6:30pm at 206 Concession Street. You'll get another reminder closer to the event. But be sure to mark it on your calendar. You won't want to miss this!

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Ralph Shaw - April 6

We're pleased to announce a ukulele workshop and concert by Ralph Shaw, an entertainer popular at ukulele clubs and festivals around the world. In 2000, Ralph founded the grandfather of all ukulele jams in North America, the Vancouver Ukulele Circle.

During April, Ralph is touring Ontario, with a stop in Kingston on April 6. Everyone is encouraged to come out to what should be fun event, with ukulele workshop starting at 6:30pm and a concert at 8:30pm. Tickets at the door: $30 for workshop and concert, $15 for concert only.

The event will be held in the main hall at Unitarian Place, 206 Concession Street in Kingston. There's plenty of free parking at the rear. Enter at the rear side door.

Be sure to visit Ralph's web site at And be sure to invite your friends and family!

Many thanks to Renaissance Music for sponsoring the event.

Monday, 29 February 2016

March 2 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, Kingston ukulele fans!

It's official now. The Ralph Shaw workshop and concert is definitely a go for the evening of April 6. This should be a great event, and everyone should attend. He's not only a great ukulele player, but also a great entertainer. If you're not familiar with Ralph, check out his web site at I met him last year at the Canada Ukes festival in Midland, and I can say that you will definitely enjoy this evening. Details will be announced in a day or two.

Anyways, it's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, March 2, at 7pm. Hopefully, by then the snow storm should be over. If you want, you can solo that song you're working on, or lead the group with your favorite songs. Or you can just sit back and strum along. As usual, I'll be bringing an assortment of new and old songs.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 15 February 2016

February 17 Ukulele Jam

Greetings, uke fans!

Keep your calendar clear for the evening of April 6. Full details have to be worked out, but we're planning on a ukulele workshop and concert by Ralph Shaw. If you're not familiar with Ralph, check out his web site at I met him last year at the Canada Ukes festival in Midland, and I can say that you will definitely enjoy this evening. Cost for workshop and concert will probably be $30.

Anyways, it's time again for our regular ukulele jam, this Wednesday, February 17, at 7pm. If you want, you can solo that song you're working on, or lead the group with your favorite songs. Or you can just sit back and strum along. As usual, I'll be bringing an assortment of new and old songs, which you can download here.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Friday, 29 January 2016

February 3 Ukulele Jam

It's time again for our ukulele jam, this Wednesday February 3, 7pm. First things first, I need a volunteer to lead the jam this time since I have a schedule conflict. E-mail me at if you'd like to do this. It just involves keeping people focused and the music flowing, as well as collecting a toonie from everyone.

This brings up an important issue. Moving forward, I'd like to have more people to be involved with organizing this group. I'd like to hear from you. Would you be willing to be more active in organizing jams and other uke related activities? Let me know. For example, do you have a talent in cartooning or graphic design? Would you like to design a logo or cartoon mascot for the group? Would you like to organize concerts at retirement homes or nursing homes? Would you like to lead a workshop? Many of us play other instruments besides ukulele. How about an occasional non-ukulele jam? Any ideas are welcome.

There's one possible event that we may be involved with. My daughter wants to organize some sort of event with her Pathfinders group, and may ask us to be involved, possibly to provide a back-up band for a group of singers from her group, performing at a local retirement home. I'll let you know once they decide what to do.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam. 
If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 18 January 2016

January 20 Ukulele Jam


It's time again for our ukulele jam, this Wednesday January 20, 7pm. A week ago, the music world lost one of its most innovative and influential stars. To remember him, I'm bringing a few of his old and new songs, in addition to various other songs, which you can download from here. Please feel free to bring along your favorite David Bowie songs too. Or any other songs you feel like singing or leading the group with. If you just want to strum along with the others, that's okay too. If you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Remember, we jam at the 
Kingston Community House99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 4 January 2016

January 6 Ukulele Jam

Happy New Year, everyone!

It's now 2016! If you want a suggestion for a New Year's resolution, here's one that will be easy to keep: Play ukulele every day. And join us twice a month for our ukulele jam, now at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street, in downtown Kingston. We're now officially booked at this location for the remainder of 2016.

As usual, please bring copies of your favorite songs to share with others and lead the group if you wish. I'll bring a few new and old songs as well, which you can download from here. I've got a mix of easier songs and more challenging songs. If you just want to strum along with the others, that's okay too. And if you haven't yet printed off your own copy of our favorites document, you can download it here.

Remember, we jam at the Kingston Community House, 99 York Street in downtown Kingston, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (excluding holidays). 7pm. The cost is $2 per jam.

Cheers! Hans