Greetings, ukelele fans! And mele Kalikamaka!
We're now back in the Christmas season again! We have one Christmas show scheduled, for Saturday, December 19, 2pm at the Fairmount Home, 2069 Battersea Road, just a few minutes north of the 401. This is the same place we played at last year, and they're happy to have us back again. Already, some of you have offered to join in. Last year, we had eight uke players performing at our Christmas shows. Hopefully, we can get at least that number this year. This type of event is a lot of fun, and the more participants we can get the better. If anyone has any ideas for other venues where we can play, please let me know.
Our next ukulele jam is this Wednesday, December 2, 7pm at the Royal Tavern. This will give is a chance to practice our Christmas songs, and decide on repertoire for our Christmas show(s). I'll probably bring a few other non-holiday songs as well. We'll have one more opportunity to practice our repertoire at our December 16 jam. You can find the Kingston Ukulele Society Christmas song list at
Cheers! Hans