Monday, 30 March 2015

April 1 Ukulele Jam


It's time again for ukulele jam! We jam this Wednesday, April 1, 7pm at the Royal Tavern. I'll bring a few extra copies of our new favorites document, and lead the group in some of those songs. You can download the latest draft here. As usual, feel free to bring copies of your own favorite songs.
Don't forget about the Canada Ukes festival this May in Midland Ontario. There are still a few days left before the price for the weekend rises to $188. There's a lot going on at that festival - you really don't want to miss it!

We jam in the Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans

Monday, 16 March 2015

March 18 Ukulele Jam


Did you make it to the Jake Shimabukuro show last weekend? Wow! What a show! Now that life has returned back to normal, it's time again to think about our next ukulele jam, this Wednesday, March 18, 7:00pm at the Royal Tavern. This is your chance to show off your favorite songs, or lead the group in song. Or just sit back and strum along with the group. If you want, bring copies of your favorite songs to share with others.

There are a couple of other exciting announcements. You've probably already heard of the Canada Ükes festival in Midland, Ontario, this May. For details, go the the web site I will be going, and I hope at least a few others from the Kingston area will go too. If you're interested, let me know. Perhaps we can practice a song for the open stage evening.

Finally, the group Gathering Sparks is doing a house concert in Kingston on March 28. Here are the details from Eve Goldberg, one of the members of the group:
Gathering Sparks in Concert w/Special guest Jason Fowler
Saturday, Mar 28 at 7:30 pm
House Concert
Kingston, ON
Email: for details. 
$20 suggested donation

GATHERING SPARKS is the graceful collision of Eve Goldberg and Jane Lewis—musical friends who bonded over finely tuned harmonies and the craft of songwriting. With their love of participatory group singing and an infectious mix of styles, Gathering Sparks is already making waves. Their debut 6-song CD, released in April 2014, was nominated for a 2014 Canadian Folk Music Award for Vocal Group of the Year, and they are quickly becoming an audience favourite. Their inclusive approach embraces blues, gospel, folk, and pop influences tastefully played on acoustic guitar, piano, accordion, ukulele, and banjo. 

On Saturday, Mar 28 at 7:30 pm, Eve & Jane will be joined by special guest Jason Fowler, who is a highly respected Toronto singer/songwriter and guitarist in his own right.

We jam in the Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

March 4 Ukulele Jam


We have an exciting week. First, the next ukulele jam is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 4, 7:00pm, at the Royal Tavern. Second, the next meeting of the Kingston Sing-along Society takes place this Friday, 7:30pm, at the Kingston Unitarian Fellowship, 206 Concession Street. The songs are typically three-chord folk songs, and ukulele players are always welcome. (I usually bring my banjo uke.)

And on Saturday, Jake Shimabukuro visits Kingston, with a show at the Grand Theatre. I checked the Grand Theatre website, and there are still tickets available. Jake has a busy schedule this week, with shows in Markham, Oakville, St. Catherines, and Burnstown, in addition to Kingston.

Stay tuned, though, there may be one further exciting event. But for now, keep your calendar free for Saturday afternoon.

Lately, I've been lazy, and haven't arranged any new songs for this weeks jam. I plan on bringing a few copies of our new favorites document, and leading the group in some of those songs. You can download the latest draft here. It's a lengthy document, so please print out your own copy. Based on discussion at the last jam, the only change from the last draft is the addition of a couple of Elvis Presley songs. As usual, feel free to bring copies of your own favorite songs.

We jam in the Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans