Friday, 11 July 2014

July 16 Ukulele Jam at the Royal


Well, we had a record attendance at our last jam, featuring Manitoba Hal leading the workshop! I hope everyone learned a thing or two about the blues. So many people came that we ended up with a surplus of funds. So at the July 16 jam, I'll draw names from a hat and give out some prizes to a few lucky attendees of the last jam. You don't have to be at the July 16 jam to claim your prize if your name is drawn. But if you're there, it will make it easier for you to get your prize.

But now it's on to the July 16 jam. We'll begin with our usual workshop at 7:00pm. To build on the momentum from the last workshop, I propose we further explore blues turnarounds, practicing the blues in the key of C, as well as trying out some turnarounds in a different key.

Following the break, we'll continue with an open jam, where you'll have your chance to show off your skills, or lead the group in song. Or if you like, you can just sit back and strum along with the group. Feel free to bring your songs. I've prepared a few songs, conveniently packaged in one PDF:

As usual, we jam in the Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. Be sure to show your appreciation to the Royal by visiting the bar and purchasing a beverage or two. Don't forget that they also offer soft drinks, in addition to their assortment of beers and other alcoholic drinks.

Cheers! Hans