Monday, 26 August 2013

August 28 Ukulele Jam in City Park


The summer months are coming to a close, and it's time for our last City Park jam. As usual, we'll meet at a picnic table south of the splash pad, about 6:30pm, Wednesday, August 28.

Just like last time, the long term forecast for next Wednesday shows a 40% chance of rain. Last time we were lucky and the weather was great. But who knows if our luck will hold. Currently, I don't see any good alternative rain date, so let's play it by ear for now. Perhaps Friday would work as a rain date?

Bring your songs, snacks, and refreshments! And if you have kids, bring them along so they can play in the splash pad. 

Cheers! Hans

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

August 14 Uke Jam at the Royal


As I mentioned before, we had a great jam in City Park last month. We had a great turnout, with 13 ukulele players. I've lost track, but I believe this is a new record turnout for the jam. In case you haven't yet seen the picture that Chuck took at that jam, here it is again:

Thanks again, Chuck, for this wonderful picture. I'm now using this photo as the cover photo for our Facebook and Google+ pages.

And now on to out next jam, on Wednesday, August 14, at the Royal Tavern. I've arranged a few songs, a mixture of classic rock and country tunes:

Later in August, we'll have another City Park jam, on August 28. But I'll send out a reminder closer to that date.

As usual, we jam in the back room of the historic Royal Tavern, 344 Princess Street. Parking is normally available on Princess Street. Or park in the lot at the back of the Royal, off Brock Street, just past the fire hall. 
The jam starts at 7:30PM. But plan to arrive around 7PM for socializing and a beverage.

Cheers! Hans